Are you stuck in a cycle of debt?

finance smash your debts Feb 04, 2022

Are you stuck in a rut of credit card / afterpay / zip pay / buy now pay later debts?

Do you get it paid down a bit and then all of a sudden there's a reason for buying something again?

Don't worry, you are not alone!
So many people are stuck in this cycle, and it takes a little bit of confidence and determination to flip the cycle and do something differently.

Generally, unless nothing bad happens, it will be a cycle of "normal", and there's no reason to stop.

So what can I say or do, to help kick you out of the rut?
1. Check out how much you pay in interest each week or month.  If you didn't have these debts, you would have that as extra cash in your bank!

2. What do you really want from your life?  Do you want the stress of repayments each week or month?  Do you want to continuously transfer money around so you can afford your repayments, or do you want to live a life of stress free money?  These tiny debts are really stressful, especially if you miss a payment.

3. When you want to go for finance for a bigger loan, then these smaller loans will impact on your borrowing capacity - even if you have paid them out and they are sitting waiting for you - that is - a loan or line of credit that you have available is still counted as borrowed money in the bank's eyes. 


Why do you need confidence to get rid of these debts?
Well, some of us use the credit card or store credit as a security blanket - having it there "just in case" you need it.  Well, if you are ready to declare that you no longer need it, give it up!  Cancel that debt.  Get rid of it completely and see what happens.  Have confidence in yourself that you can get by without the card.

(It wasn't that hard to get in the first place, was it?)


Determination is for the bold.  Determination will get you moving far more than anything else.  If any of the above points has inspired you to cut out your debt, then please send me an email, with the subject "I am determined" to

If you need an accountability buddy, I can be that for you. I will send a couple of questions that will help you get started, and then I will cheerlead you from the side and do happy dance with you for every card that you pay off and cancel.

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