Need more income? 5 tips to increase your income, even if you just have a job.
Jan 14, 2022
Here's 5 ways to make more Money even if you Just have a job:
1. Sell stuff you don't need. It's quite easy to go to a swap meet, or jump on facebook marketplace to list some stuff for sale. There's also the added bonus of not having the stuff laying around your house any more.
2. Ask for a pay rise. My most favourite saying is "if you don't ask, you don't get". When was the last time you had a pay rise at your job?
3. Downgrade your car. Sometimes we buy the latest and greatest toys, even though they are used in the same manner as something cheaper. For example, my Toyota Prado was used in Karratha for running around town, doing the groceries, and the odd occassional trip out to Dampier (20kms away). I rarely did any towing or off-roading. I could have saved hundreds each year on lower rego fees, fuel prices, servicing and tyre replacements, had I had a much smaller car. Not only for the annual savings, but downgrading my car would have put a nice little bonus in my bank account too.
4. Review your waste. According to studies a few years ago, Australians were throwing out up to 20% of their groceries. Imagine how much more money you would have in your bank account if you only bought what you needed. Other waste areas include putting your Cash4 Cans bottles and cans in the bin / recycling bin - every 10 cents adds up! and buying shoes and clothes that you just don't wear.
5. Have you been saving that gift card or voucher for a rainy day, or when you might need it next. How about you cash it in now? Lots of gift cards can be used at multiple shops - either a savings on groceries, or for something special, by actually using that voucher you are gaining more income!
Remember, the Law of Attraction says that if you are thinking about something positively, then you will attract more of it. So instead of thinking that you need more money, how about you think about where you already have more money?
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